r20131 | translators | 2010-07-12 17:45:14 +0000 (Mon, 12 Jul 2010) | 6 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
bulgarian - 6 changes by kokobongo
korean - 5 changes by junho2813
portuguese - 9 changes by ABCRic
russian - 9 changes by Lone_Wolf

r20130 | frosch | 2010-07-11 20:34:29 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#3935]: Standard roadstops can also be left via manual depot orders.
r20129 | rubidium | 2010-07-11 17:51:02 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Add [Debian]: debug symbols package

r20128 | translators | 2010-07-11 17:45:36 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 13 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
bulgarian - 57 changes by kokobongo
croatian - 5 changes by VoyagerOne
finnish - 9 changes by jpx_
french - 9 changes by glx
german - 9 changes by planetmaker
hungarian - 24 changes by IPG
irish - 7 changes by tem
serbian - 5 changes by etran
spanish - 10 changes by Terkhen
swedish - 5 changes by Zuu
tamil - 142 changes by vv

r20127 | frosch | 2010-07-11 17:39:23 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#3929]: Replace 'invalid engine' with 'vehicle model'.
r20126 | frosch | 2010-07-11 17:28:19 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#3883]: Make railtype Terrain Type variable aware of RAIL_GROUND_HALF_SNOW. That is, resolve the sprites for upper and lower part of the foundation independently.
r20125 | frosch | 2010-07-11 17:11:14 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Change: [NewGRF] If a tile has a snow-flag in the map array, use that for Terrain Type variables, instead of always only using the tile Z position. Also use the maximum Z of a tile for tiles which usually have levelling foundations (stations, houses, industries, unmovables).
r20124 | frosch | 2010-07-11 14:35:53 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix (r20118): Don't bring windows to front by hovering over them.
r20123 | terkhen | 2010-07-11 13:14:08 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Add [FS#3721]: Use all available space when drawing articulated road vehicles.

r20122 | terkhen | 2010-07-11 11:01:24 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Fix: Correct vehicle list tooltips at the depot window.

r20121 | terkhen | 2010-07-11 11:00:09 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Add: OnHover method for windows.

r20120 | terkhen | 2010-07-11 10:58:55 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Feature [FS#3913]: Tooltips are shown by hovering the mouse over a widget instead of by right clicking on it.

r20119 | terkhen | 2010-07-11 10:55:57 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Add: Tooltips can be removed if the user stops hovering the mouse.

r20118 | terkhen | 2010-07-11 10:53:07 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Add: Detect if the mouse has been hovering over the same point.

r20117 | terkhen | 2010-07-11 10:50:47 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Codechange: Use a Point struct to store double click position.

r20116 | terkhen | 2010-07-10 20:18:59 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Add: Show an specific error message when trying to convert/remove nonexistant signals.

r20115 | terkhen | 2010-07-10 20:17:05 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Add: Show an specific error message when trying to remove nonexistant stations.

r20114 | terkhen | 2010-07-10 20:15:35 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Add: Show an specific error message when trying to remove rail or build/convert/remove signals over nonexistant railways.

r20113 | terkhen | 2010-07-10 20:12:32 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Add [FS#3895]: Show an specific error message when trying to remove nonexistant roads (Krille).

r20112 | terkhen | 2010-07-10 19:59:31 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Codechange: Prevent implicit use of CommandCost constructors.

r20111 | translators | 2010-07-10 17:45:12 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 5 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
bulgarian - 74 changes by kokobongo
portuguese - 3 changes by ABCRic
ukrainian - 1 changes by Fixer

r20110 | alberth | 2010-07-10 13:04:31 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#3695]: Do not allow building a rail track to the water using a tree-tile.
r20109 | alberth | 2010-07-10 12:45:34 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Codechange: Make GetFloodingBehaviour() globally usable.
r20108 | frosch | 2010-07-10 10:55:16 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Change: [NewGRF] Report substitute industry type in AI railstation selection callback.
r20107 | frosch | 2010-07-10 10:54:30 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Add: [NoAI] AIIndustryType::INDUSTRYTYPE_TOWN and AIIndustryType::INDUSTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN for AIRail::BuildNewGRFRailStation(). Note that BuildNewGRFRailStation() now checks the passed industry type for validity.
r20106 | frosch | 2010-07-10 08:54:57 +0000 (Sat, 10 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix (r5999): Engine and vehicle age were clamped at 0xFFFF, though there are 32bit available.
r20105 | rubidium | 2010-07-09 22:25:25 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Revert (r20102) [FS#3938]: resetting DirectMusic completely, although working, causes a temporary freeze of OpenTTD. As MCI behaves better than DirectMusic that has become the default music driver; small delay between songs beats wrongly pitched/bad sounding songs

r20104 | michi_cc | 2010-07-09 20:50:28 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix: [Win32] The win32 MIDI driver might clip the start of a song.
r20103 | frosch | 2010-07-09 19:50:06 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#3934]: AITown::GetRating() returned wrong values. (Morloth)
r20102 | rubidium | 2010-07-09 17:47:52 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Fix: OpenMSX music sounds odd after certain songs are played. Likely because the instruments weren't reset properly

r20101 | translators | 2010-07-09 17:45:17 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 6 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
estonian - 16 changes by Jaanus
polish - 3 changes by xine
portuguese - 6 changes by ABCRic, JayCity
romanian - 2 changes by kkmic

r20100 | terkhen | 2010-07-09 16:43:00 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Fix: Give priority to ownership errors while removing rails.

r20099 | terkhen | 2010-07-09 16:41:51 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#3882]: Give priority to ownership errors while removing roads.

r20098 | michi_cc | 2010-07-09 14:14:17 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#3898]: A train reversing in a station would sometimes fail to release its reserved path.
r20097 | alberth | 2010-07-09 12:14:02 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Codechange: Share constant bitset of safe level crossing slopes.
r20090 | rubidium | 2010-07-08 18:45:52 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Fix: savegames would (very likely) end with 128 KiB worth of useless zeros

r20089 | frosch | 2010-07-08 18:38:38 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#3932]: Access of already freed memory, esp. due to hidden destructor call from Swap().
r20088 | translators | 2010-07-08 17:45:10 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jul 2010) | 4 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
simplified_chinese - 29 changes by ww9980
irish - 18 changes by tem

r20087 | rubidium | 2010-07-08 11:50:42 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#3876, FS#3887, FS#3920, FS#3923]: if after loading a savegame (including intro game) one tried to save a game (including autosave) and that failed (very) early on because it couldn't open the file for writing all pointers would be converted to NULLs which then causes corrupted game states

r20086 | frosch | 2010-07-07 20:00:04 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Add: Textstack support for CB 38.
r20085 | translators | 2010-07-07 17:45:18 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 2010) | 7 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
irish - 9 changes by tem
korean - 5 changes by junho2813
lithuanian - 15 changes by BlinK_
ukrainian - 7 changes by Fixer
vietnamese - 2 changes by myquartz

r20084 | glx | 2010-07-06 21:10:47 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2010) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#3919] (r7157): don't try to handle mouse events when the cursor ha left the window
r20083 | translators | 2010-07-06 17:45:06 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2010) | 3 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
swedish - 2 changes by tool

r20082 | rubidium | 2010-07-05 21:07:31 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 2010) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#3899]: reading deleted memory when selecting a NewGRF in the content download window of which the data has not been acquired from the content server. The crash would occur after the content server's reply was processed and the ContentInfo object was replaced with another.

r20081 | translators | 2010-07-05 17:45:19 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 2010) | 7 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
dutch - 2 changes by Nelis
english_US - 1 changes by Xanland
greek - 2 changes by fumantsu
hungarian - 2 changes by IPG
ukrainian - 73 changes by Fixer

r20080 | translators | 2010-07-04 17:45:29 +0000 (Sun, 04 Jul 2010) | 11 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
german - 2 changes by planetmaker
hungarian - 2 changes by alyr
irish - 14 changes by tem
brazilian_portuguese - 2 changes by Tucalipe
serbian - 1 changes by etran
slovenian - 2 changes by ntadej
tamil - 82 changes by vv
turkish - 2 changes by niw3
ukrainian - 7 changes by Fixer
